World-Leading Water Treatment Technologies
Cleaning the World’s untreatable wastewater … for a healthier tomorrow.
About Us

Water is one of the most important resources on the Planet, sustaining life and building economies. ecoX-H2 is dedicated to providing this essential of life, clean and without chemical contamination. Our mission is to provide innovative solutions, by investing in the development of world-leading technologies designed to solve global water treatment problems. We deliver water free of the most difficult contaminants, in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner.
We’re also decarbonizing industry while we do it…
What we Do
Our technology centres around providing a permanent solution to contamination in our ground water, surface water and wastewater, restoring our ecosystems.
Our purpose is to provide superior electrochemical technologies that improve our world. We focus on detoxifying water resources and decarbonizing industry through cutting-edge technology that fits the objectives of our customers.
We’re proud of our world-leading systems that support industry, governments and global communities, and which continuously achieve superior results.
Why we do it
Less than 1% of water available globally is suitable for drinking
The world’s population is growing, with the largest increases in developing countries where water scarcity is already a reality
Consequences of climate change make scarcity of water a growing challenge
Growing pollution:
INDUSTRIAL: Industry is responsible for dumping millions of tonnes of toxic and persistent chemicals, solvents, heavy metals and sludge into water bodies each year
MUNICIPAL: More than 80% of the world’s wastewater flows back into the environment without being treated or reused
AGRICULTURAL: Farms discharge large quantities of pesticides, fertilizers, manure, drug residues, sediments and saline drainage
PFAS contamination is costing Australia and the world billions of dollars in clean-up costs, infrastructure project delays and legal proceedings associated with risk to health and property damage.

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Wastewater to Green Hydrogen
Our Joint Venture with Current Water Technologies Inc. is bringing the AmmEL-H2 process to the market. The AmmEL-H2 system solves two problems with one solution.
Two Problems… One Solution
Problem 1 – Inadequately treated wastewater

The world generates 359 billion cubic metres of wastewater each year… only half is treated.

Untreated ammonia is toxic to aquatic life, destroying water ways and creating greenhouse gases 300x worse than CO2.

Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases emitted from wastewater

Collectively wastewater creates 12% of Global greenhouse gases.

Two Problems… One Solution
Problem 2 – Heavy Industry is a Dirty Business

Many industries are hard to decarbonize

Refining, Chemical & fertilizer manufacture, and industries that require furnaces need an alternative to fossil fuels

Decarbonizing transport industry would save most western economies about 18 – 20% of their annual GHG emissions
The Solution: Green HY-way

Creation of a “Distributed Hydrogen Network” at strategic locations by:
1. Better treating ammonia in municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), AND simultaneously…
2. Producing Hydrogen … where it’s needed

ecox-H2: Turning Wastewater Into Green Energy

Converts wastewater treatment plants into energy storage systems

Delivers H2 in strategic locations where needed, limiting logistics issues

Treats wastewater and creates green hydrogen as a “by-product”, instead of using valuable clean water

Mitigates greenhouse gas generation (no N2O); added benefit of GHG credits

Hydrogen for decarbonizing industry = Net Zero targets achievable

Multiple revenue streams means economic hydrogen, scalable technology

ecox-H2: Brings Technical Advantages
Can treat wastewater with high
ammonia concentrations; 1000+ mg/L -
Achieves total ammonia (NH4+ + NH3) concentrations
< 1 mg L−1 in treated water -
Converts ammonia into valuable hydrogen and environmentally benign nitrogen gas - Does not produce nitrate or the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide
- Efficiency is not affected in low temperatures (< 1°C) where biological systems are ineffective
- No fouling by biofilms or inorganic materials
- Able to operate intermittently without start-up delays
Fully automated with
low maintenance and remote operation/monitoring
Proven Ammonia Removal Performance
Industry tested for over a decade

Commissioned November, 2016 in Virginia, USA
Designed to treat 29 m3 day−1 of water
containing 200 mg/L NH4-N
Deployable 20 ft Container

Deployable H2 Pilot
New technology advancement adds hydrogen and green disinfectant production to the process

Ecox-H2: Turning Wastewater Into Energy
Every municipal treatment plant becomes an opportunity to reach Net Zero
Creating hydrogen where it’s needed … while improving the environment

PFAS Destruction
The ecoX point of difference is that it is a system designed to destroy the following, at scale and on-site:
Persistent forever chemicals such as PFAS
Pesticides and herbicides
Pharmaceuticals and other impurities
High concentrations of organic carbon
…in a simple to operate and cost-effective process.
No managing intricate biological processes, toxic chemicals or complex systems.
The result …
clean water for further use (agricultural, discharge, or even drinking)…
creating a better environment and healthier communities.
EcoX destroys PFAS in water
EcoX is our world-leading technology for treatment of contaminated wastewater – developed by Separtis [http://www.separtis.com/] in collaboration with the University of Sydney, and designed to destroy PFAS and other recalcitrant contaminants. We’ve spent years researching and developing a solution, because if we don’t treat it, it will continue to build-up in our water systems and remain a risk to the environment and the health of communities around the globe.
ecoX is a revolutionary, modular system for treating “untreatable” wastewater, on-site, hence avoiding problems associated with stringent requirements for transport and secondary site permitting and monitoring. It can destroy up to 99% of PFAS in waterways, groundwater tables and industrial wastewaters. Reversing the effects of years of contamination and restoring a vital resource.

Health risks
Health risks associated with bioaccumulation of PFAS in the environment, animals and humans remain a global concern… resulting in billions of dollars’ worth of environmental and health liabilities.

Environmental risks
Because of their persistent nature, PFAS chemicals don’t readily breakdown over time, and instead accumulate in our land and water systems.
But how do we treat it?
Breaking the Loop on Forever Chemicals
Typical wastewater treatment systems are unable to treat persistent chemicals, and hence they build-up over time.
ecoX permanently destroys PFAS and other toxins on-site, breaking the cycle of persistent chemical bioaccumulation in our land, water systems and communities.
What is PFAS?
The most-studied PFAS chemicals are PFOA and PFOS. Studies of the effects on humans are still progressing. The most consistent findings from human epidemiology studies are increased cholesterol levels among exposed populations, with other findings related to: infant birth weights, effects on the immune system, cancer (for PFOA), and thyroid hormone disruption (for PFOS).
The many characteristics of PFAS, such as resistance to heat, water and oils, make them ideal in many applications (from non-stick coatings on pans, to stain-resistant carpets) The historical use of PFAS in fire-fighting foam has led to increased detected levels in water and soil around the globe; all from PFAS mobilized and spread further by water.

PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, including PFOA, PFOS, GenX, and many other chemicals) are a large group of over 4000 man-made chemicals utilised in many products since the 1940s.
Investing in Research
“Our research has led to very versatile technology for treating otherwise hard-to-treat contaminants in wastewater. We can see that it will have application in many industries.”
A/Prof Alejandro Montoya, University of Sydney.

The US Management Team
Matt Wear
President-ecoX USA
Decades of management experience across multiple sectors including Agriculture, Natural Resource and Waste Management. Founder and CEO roles providing advisory and asset management for international institutional investors. Consulting multinational companies in identifying and implementing large scale ESG solutions.

Jason Tharp
Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales-ecoX USA
20 years of high growth, dynamic leadership experience in the Infrastructure, Agriculture and Manufacturing industries. Senior management roles with primary focus on business management and business development in multiple business sectors.

Ryan McAllister
Executive Vice President of Strategic Growth-ecoX USA
Two decades of leading international teams and projects in supply chain, logistics, technology and manufacturing. Senior level leader known for creating complex logistical and sustainability solutions across a multitude of industries.

The Management Team
We’re committed to finding new technologies to provide solutions to perplexing and costly global issues.
Executive Board
Advisory Board

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